Attention! Parents, coaches and trainers...
This Breakthrough System Can
Transform Your Sports Program From A
Limping Along, Desperate For Talent
“Also Ran”…
Into A Thriving… Ultra-Competitive…
This is the same proven system forged by Renown Sports Performance Specialist,
Steve Preston, that he’s perfected over his 20 Years In The Trenches to rapidly develop athletes of all ages and skill levels.
It’s the same system former Division 1 Strength Coach, and Hall of Fame & Record Setting Developmental Coach Daryl Weber used with his athletes to produce an astonishing 14 straight state team titles…
These two expert coaches have teamed up to reveal, for the first time, the exact step-by-step blueprint they use with their youth and high schoolers to crank out top-tier athletes year after year.
But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of this powerful system, there’s something you need to know:
If you’re the kind of coach or parent who chases every “fad of the month” workout routine…
Or you’re mired in the raging “single sport vs. multi-sport” debate…
Then you’re focused on the wrong things, and your kids will suffer for it.
Here's what I mean:
Folks who are always adopting the latest whiz-bang workout regimen have a wildly unstable and inconsistent program that can never become a true athlete factory…
Look, when you don’t install a strategic system progressively build and develop your players, you create false plateaus for them – or worse, you stunt their growth altogether…
You must have a long-term, progressive strategy in place to have any hope of effectively developing your kids.
And The “Single Sport vs. Multi-Sport” Debate?
It’s Irrelevant.
Just take a look at a few quotes and you’ll see exactly what I mean:
“I just think that the cross-training… it develops a much more competitive, well-rounded type person.”
- Dabo Swinney, Clemson head football coach
“These guys have a high level of athleticism but probably haven’t peaked yet... Once they get to college, they will specialize and will develop and blossom.”
- Chris Bates, Princeton Lacrosse head coach
“I want guys that are so special athletically, and so competitive, that they can compete in more than one sport.”
– Pete Carroll, Seattle Seahawks head coach
“To be an elite level player at a college or professional sport, you need a degree of exceptional athleticism.”
So what are the top coaches really searching for in a player?
A high degree of athleticism!
Now ask yourself: Do you think these coaches care how a player gets their high degree of athleticism?
Would it matter if they played 1, 2 or 10 sports if it resulted in the all-around athleticism they’re after?
Not at all…
Because the truth is, these coaches are going to mold these athletic kids into the best single sport players they can. They just need the raw material – the athleticism – to start working with.
You See… It’s Athleticism They Crave.
And if the best coaches, at the highest levels, emphasize athleticism above all else…
Shouldn’t your focus be developing maximum athleticism in your players?
The problem is, until now, the only “formula” for developing athleticism was to make kids play a bunch of different sports and hope the variety of movements and training would blend into one another to somehow create a well-rounded athlete.
That’s like tossing a bunch of ingredients in a bowl, letting it mix and mingle, then crossing your fingers and hoping a gourmet meal pops out.
But what if I told you there was a better way to develop athleticism?
A highly refined, step-by-step, proven system that not only lays a foundation of athleticism…
But builds on that foundation, a brick at a time, until finally your team is stocked with highly athletic players…
And your program becomes known as an “Athlete Factory.”
The good news is, just such a system exists… it’s already been proven beyond doubt…
And for the first time, the entire system is being revealed.
The best part?
It doesn’t matter if you’re working with elementary school youth, middle school youth, or high schoolers…
There Are Specific Components
Of The System
For Every Age Group…
So you’ll know exactly what to do – and most importantly, what not to do…
The exercises, drills, and games to use with each age group to boost progress…
And ones to avoid like the plague because they could damage growing muscles, tendons and ligaments…
While the focus is on building athleticism above all else – the system employs only the safest, most effective, age appropriate means to do it.
But make no mistake… this isn’t some rehashed set and rep scheme, or “workout” fad of the month.
In fact, this system is so unique and powerful, it will likely revolutionize how you train and develop your athletes from now on.
What makes the whole system work so well is the proprietary method for progressively boosting athleticism called “Advanced Multi-Plane Variance Training.”
This advanced training method incorporates the best multi-plane movements in precise ways to trigger:
Increased flexibility… balance… coordination… agility… quickness… crisp directional change… endurance… strength… power… and explosiveness.
In Short, It Builds All-Around Athleticism.
Now I want to quickly introduce you to the creators of this amazing system:
Daryl Weber was an NCAA Wrestling Champion for The University of Iowa under legendary coach Dan Gable.
After graduation, Daryl was Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the Hawkeyes for four years.
During his tenure, the Hawkeyes were known for their toughness, aggressiveness, and unparalleled strength and conditioning.
And the athletes he coached competed at the highest levels of Division 1 collegiate competition, as well as world championships, and the Olympics.
Daryl used this fierce level of competition as his “laboratory,” testing and tweaking his training methods, finding what worked and what didn’t make the grade…
Based on these real world results, he kept what survived the fires of competition, and incorporated them into his system, tossing out anything that didn’t work.
Armed with his system, he used these proven tactics while coaching for the Christiansburg High School wrestling team (6 years as assistant & 9 as head coach)… and continued to perfect the system he created during his time at Iowa.
The results?
His teams won a state record 14 straight team titles, turned the school into a perennial wrestling powerhouse, and Daryl has been enshrined into two wrestling hall of fame's!
Yet as amazing as those results are – it gets even better.
Along the way Daryl met up with Steve Preston, a Renowned Sports Performance Specialist With Over 20 Years of experience Developing athletes from budding Beginners To Pro Prospects.
He’s a lifelong student of strength and conditioning and was a National Runner Up in Powerlifting and set a Junior World Record in the Bench Press.
Steve’s training methods are designed to Produce Well-Rounded Athletes Prepared For Any Sport, and Built on a foundation of lifelong Athleticism.
He's successfully taught, trained, and coached over 10,000 athletes and students - ranging from 6 year olds to NFL stars – during his 25 years.
Over time, as Daryl stepped back from coaching, and with Steve so in demand for exclusive 1-on-1 training, an idea began to take shape…
They wanted to give back, to “pay it forward” to all the other coaches, trainers and parents who are in the trenches with their kids…
So Daryl and Steve decided to package their combined knowledge into a complete, step-by-step training system featuring “Advanced Multi-Plane Variance Training,” that any coach or parent could use to build athleticism in their kids.
It’s called the:

“Foundational Athletic Sports Training (F.A.S.T.) System”
and more specifically they have designed a proven program that every athlete should go through…
FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program
And it’s made up of four modules covering all the strength, speed, agility, and nutrition information you need to know to build athleticism in your kids.
Each module is designed with three unique components – one for elementary school, one for middle school and one for high school aged trainees…
This way, you can train your kids regardless of age or experience, and continue to use the system as they progress through their sporting career.
Here’s a quick look at everything you get in the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program”:
First, you get The
8 Week Foundational Strength Training Manual...

...which is designed to build overall athletic strength in your kids.
Inside the manual you’ll find:
- The 10 Rules Of Strength Training for Athletes – these are proven rules that should be reread often and will guide you through the system safely and effectively.
- Age specific principles and strategies for training your athletes. When you’re training youth athletes, it’s important you not only know what to do, but what NOT to do to avoid damaging your youngsters – this section of the manual provides all the vital information you’ll need.
- The Best Type Of Stretching For Your Athletes… and which dangerous stretches to avoid at all costs
- A Dynamic Warm Up that your athletes can use before every workout to ensure their muscles are warm and loose and their bodies are prepared for the training ahead. Proper warm up is key to preventing injury.
- Easy To Follow Training Frequency Schedule… this eliminates any guesswork on how often to train. Simply follow along with the schedule outlined in your manual and you’ll maximize gains without overtraining your athletes.
- Age appropriate exercises. There are different exercises for each age component in the system to account for the formative periods in a youngster’s life. Only the safest age appropriate exercises have been included in the system.
- Detailed Exercise Descriptions With Easy To Follow, Step-By-Step Pictures. Each exercise your athletes will perform in the system is described in detail, with instructions on proper form, and a series of photos, detailing the correct execution of the exercise is included in the manual. Just follow along and you can’t go wrong.
- Done for you workouts… each workout is strategically designed to build off the previous one to propel you to faster athletic gains. The exercises, sets, reps, rest times are all laid out in detail for you…
- And More…
Also Included In Your System Is The
8 FAST Speed Training Drills workbook.

The workbook contains:
- A Complete Speed Training Warm Up… this is comprehensive warm-up that’s unique to the speed-training module of the system, and ensures your athletes’ bodies are primed and loose for the speed work they’re doing.
- Dynamic Stretches For Speed Training… these stretches need to be performed at every workout, and will help keep the speed muscles of your athletes long and loose, allowing your kids to reap maximum benefit from the training they do.
- The 8 Core Speed Training Drills… These are the top drills for increasing speed in your athletes. Each drill is explained in detail with pictures demonstrating how to properly accomplish each drill.
Additionally, You’re Also Receiving
The Fast Speed & Agility Games Manual

These speed and agility games keep kids engaged by injecting the important element of fun into training.
Here’s what this part of the system covers:
- 10 Speed And Agility Games… you get ten of the most beneficial yet fun speed and agility games to work into your training. Pick a different one anytime you train… they’re all great fun, and super-beneficial for your athletes.
- Detailed Directions For Each Game… each game has its own short “details page” in the manual. It covers everything you’ll need to know to organize and run the game in your training including any equipment required and the space needed to play the game…
- Training Benefits For Each Game… the myriad benefits your players will get from each game is listed on the details page. If your time needs work in a certain area, this is a great way to use the games. Just match the benefits listed with what you’re trying to boost in your squad and get playing!
If you haven’t made it a point to get your team together for structured “play” in training, you’re going to be pleasantly surprised at how much it helps with not only athleticism, but it also helps stoke the competitive fires.
Lastly, With Your System You’re Getting
The FAST Nutrition Guide

This guide is a “must read” in order to wring every ounce of benefit out of your training…
The FAST Nutrition Guide covers these important topics:
- Common Nutrition Problems… this is a quick discussion on the top nutrition problems facing athletes – especially youth athletes – today… along with their causes. This section is vital to understand and absorb.
- What To Eat And Why… this section of the guide spells out exactly what types of food (both good and bad) that your young athletes should be eating or avoiding, and how these foods affect their body.
- Printable Grocery List… this is a great tool inside the nutrition guide. It lists all the healthy choices for each type of food your kids should be eating. You can print this list out and take it to the store with you to make buying delicious, healthy foods a breeze.
- Formulas For Creating High-Performance, Or Fat And Weight Reduction Meals… you’ll know exactly how many servings of each type of food to include in every meal to achieve your specific goal. Then you simply combine the healthy foods you bought in the right amounts, and you’re all set. Easy!
- An Honest Discussion On 7 Popular Supplements For Athletes… you’ll never be confused about supplements after reading this. It details everything you need to know about the seven most popular supplements for sports today. You’ll discover which, if any, your athletes should take. Each supplement is given a grade based on its actual benefit for your youth athlete.
Listen To Coaches And Parents Just Like You
Who Got Results...
Easy To Understand, Results Are Marvelous!
"It's easy to receive someone's opinion about "what type of training works," but it is always wise to seek knowledge from a professional who has the educational foundation and practical experience to deliver "cutting edge" programs based on research, testing, and results. These programs written by Steve Preston do that! Each program is easy to understand, and when followed, the results are marvelous."
Lou DiCioccio, MS, MA
Gained Muscle In Just Weeks!
"Steve helped me gained 6 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks, and had a 10 strikeout shutout after ONLY 5 weeks on a program he designed for me!"
Isaiah Junkins - Pitcher
He Knows How to Develop Strength!
"Steve Preston has been doing this a long time. He knows exactly what my son needs to develop speed and strength."
Happy Father
Over the years, Daryl and Steve have heard from many frustrated coaches and parents whose kids lack the motivation to keep up with their training.
There are two big ways to combat this in kids…
First is to make training fun – hence the games that are a big piece of the system.
When kids are playing and having fun, it doesn’t seem so much like forced “work,” so their attitudes are completely different and they actually want to join in.
They still reap the benefits that come along with the “fun” exercise, so it’s a win-win for everybody.
The second way to combat this is to show them real progress with results the can see at a glance, and victories they can look back on to keep them going when their energy wanes.
And the best way to demonstrate real results to kids is to give them a journal to record their progress in.
That way they’re recording their own progress… seeing results with every workout… and memorializing their big wins with their own hand.
So, as a bonus, Daryl and Steve have created the special...
8 Week Foundational Workout Journal

...that you can print out for every one of your athletes.
The workout journal is loaded with great features, including:
- A Short Introductory Personalization Assessment… your athletes do a quick, three-exercise assessment at the start. This sets a benchmark for their current athleticism, and allows you to work with them to establish goals for improvement.
- Detailed Weekly Training Schedule… the workout journal comes with every week already laid out, so you’ll be able to quickly flip to your current training week, and know exactly what’s happening with just a glance.
- Daily Workout Log… Each training day plotted in the journal and every detail is listed, including that day’s exercise, the order to perform the exercises in, the prescribed number of sets and reps, and target rest time between sets.
- Weekly Motivational Quote… each week your athletes will find a new quote in their journal. Each quote has been selected for the principles it espouses and its ability to motivate your kids. This is a simple motivator and reinforcement tool, and is a great feature of the journal.
- An Ending Personalization Assessment… at the end of each eight week period in the system, your athletes will take another short, three-exercise assessment to see how far they’ve progressed in building their athleticism. It uses the same exercises as the introductory assessment, so you get an “apples to apples” comparison of how well your players are doing, and if they’ve hit – or exceeded – their goals. Seeing their progress in writing like this is another great motivating tool of the journal.
Build Confidence, Mental Strength & Consistency
With This Special Bonus Tool!
This handy motivational journal is yours as a free bonus when you get your copy of the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program.”
And remember, this system is proven – many times over – at the highest levels of collegiate athletics, world championships, the Olympics, high school state championships, and youth athletes of all ages and abilities.
Daryl and Steve have spent a combined four decades perfecting this system. All of their training knowledge and hard-won wisdom has been distilled into this system.
And there’s absolutely no fluff or padding here.
Everything in the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program” has earned its place, because it gets results.
It’s been forged in the heat of elite competition, and proven successful.
Now, to get an hour of training with Daryl or Steve would cost you a cool $150/hour.
But when you get the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program” you’re getting over forty years of experience and training knowledge that’s proven to create world class athletes.
How much would you pay to avoid having to re-invent the wheel?
What would you pay to have the top Division 1 collegiate wrestling program as your personal “mad scientist training lab”…
To have top youth, high school, collegiate and professional athletes beg to have you use them as your personal training guinea pig – because they knew your methods worked…
To have a program so loaded with talent – talent you built from the ground up – that you set records for winning titles, and were elected to the coaching hall of fame…
It’s not a stretch to think you’d pay in the thousands for that depth of wisdom, knowledge and results…
But Here’s The Deal:
To get your hands on the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program” you’re not going to pay thousands of dollars…
You’re not even going to pay hundreds of dollars…
Heck, not even a hundred bucks – which would be a flat-out steal…
Today, you can get your hands on the entire “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program” including the special Bonus Workout Journal…

8 Week F.A.S.T. Complete STRENGTH System ($197 Value)
F.A.S.T. Speed & Agility Games ($97 Value)
F.A.S.T. Nutrition Guide ($97 Value)
F.A.S.T. Speed Training Drills ($97 Value)
F.A.S.T. 8 Week Workout Journal BONUS ($29 Value)
Total Value = $517.00
Yours Today For The Ridiculously Low Cost Of...
JUST $97
That's An 81% Discount!!!
That’s right…
All four modules of the system… the youth, middle school and high school components…
The FAST 8 week foundational strength training manual… 8 FAST Speed Training Drills… The fast speed & agility games manual… The FAST Nutrition Guide…
Plus the Bonus 8 week foundational workout journal…
All for just $97.00.
Frankly $97.00 for the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program” is an unbelievable bargain…
That’s less than the cost of two movie tickets and a bucket of popcorn.
But Daryl and Steve didn’t want price to get in the way of kids reaching their full potential, so they insisted on an insanely low price that virtually anyone could afford…
And to make it even more of a “no-brainer” for any coach serious about developing their athletes, or any parent who wants to see their child reach their athletic potential….
Your satisfaction with the system is fully backed by Daryl and Steve’s…
Let Them Prove It To You
60-Day “Athlete Factory Guarantee”
Here’s their guarantee:
Try the system for 60 days – two full months. That’s long enough to go through an entire cycle of the system modules.
After two months, you must not only be completely satisfied with the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program”…
You must also agree wholeheartedly that it will revolutionize the way your train your athletes, and can transform your program into a legitimate “Athlete Factory”…
Or Daryl and Steve will refund every penny of your purchase price.
Use the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program” for a full 60 days, then if for any reason – or no reason at all – you’re not completely satisfied, just email to let Daryl and Steve know, your entire purchase price will be promptly refunded.
All the risk is on the “FAST 8 Week Complete Foundation Training Program” to deliver the goods, you’ve got nothing to lose!
I think you’ll agree that you’re not going to find a more fair deal than that.

TOTAL VALUE - $517.00
JUST $97
You will gain immediate digital access to everything included in this package. All workbooks are digital downloads. You will gain access to the complete package in one of our members areas.