Attention! Parents, coaches and trainers of youth athletes...
Youth Athlete Training Specialist
Reveals Training Secrets To Build Speed And
Long Term Athletic Success In Youth Athletes"
Finally, A Plan To Develop
Long Term Athletic Success For Youth Athletes And
Proven To Rapidly...
Increase Speed - Boost Strength - Build Functional Muscle
Be Part: The program he has designed is so easy to follow that even if you have no experience or interest in becoming a sports performance specialist, you'll still be able to build speed and athleticism in youth athletes. like the best!
One Time Offer: Save 80%
Important: This offer expires when you leave this page
60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!
Dear parents, coaches or trainers,
We all know how precious time is and once it's gone you can't get it back...
That is exactly why, when it comes to training athletes...
Especially, youth athletes it is so important to use every second as efficient as you possibly can.
Nobody likes to win more than me or see my athletes dominate on the field, but as great as that feels we all know there is much more to sports than solely winning...
If you want to help youth athletes achieve athletic success, develop confidence and keep them excited about sports then this is letter is the most important letter you may ever read!
Here's why...
Because training youth athletes like adults or pro-athletes will hurt them more than it will help them...
And I see too many young athletes getting burnt out, developing at slower rates than they should or even worse... injured...
Due to poor training methods they are being exposed to from parents, coaches and trainers.
Most of the time it isn't the fault of those designing the workouts...
Their heart is in the right place, but they just haven't studied or been taught the best practices for training youth athletes...
And this can lead to slow progress, frustration and ultimately never tapping the full potential that athlete has inside them!
But don't worry, we've got your back...
Our F.A.S.T. system is easy to follow and extremely practical for parents, coaches and trainers.
It uncovers a blueprint for success, that I have used in the trenches for decades to lay the the ultimate athletic foundation and encourage rapid development in youth athletes...
Our program results in faster, stronger and more confident athletes...
That are encouraged by their quick and consistent gains...
Leads To Rapid Development
Excitement And Retention In Youth Athletes
Here's how and why we can make you this promise...
My name is Steve Preston and I'm a Sports Performance Specialist.
I've taught, trained and coached over 10,000 athletes and students for over 20 years.
The F.A.S.T (Foundation Athletic Sports Training) system I have developed is going to give you everything you need to train youth athletes and increase their speed, strength and muscle.
If you wait and waste the valuable development stages for youth athletes on a poor training system they will lose out on tapping their fullest athletic potential in the long-term.
Most youth athletes don't train to develop more athleticism and are typically unaware that they are training incorrectly...
But the sad fact is over training and using poor training methods is literally "HURTING" our youth athletes...
Occurrence of ACL Injuries in Youth Sports Hits All-Time High More than 70% of injuries are preventable with proper training.
Constant injuries, losing young athletes to burnout and my overall frustration with the development of youth athletes today led me to creating this guide designed specifically for rapid long term development in youth athletes...
Sound good?
F.A.S.T. Strength, Speed & Conditioning
- 8 Week System for Youth Athletes -
F.A.S.T. Youth Athlete Training System
Complete Guide To Increasing Overall Sports Performance
Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg on what you'll get with the F.A.S.T Youth Athlete Training System...
You'll discover a system that can be used to train your son or daughter as well as entire teams...
You'll skip past the years of education, training and trial and error of learning how to develop training systems for youth athletes.
You'll have a blueprint for success that will keep youth athletes motivated, excited to practice and ultimately retain more athletes than ever before...
You'll develop youth athletes that experience more success long-term
Youth athletes are not miniature adults. They are in a specific stage in their growth and development that requires appropriate training methods.
When your youth athlete is faster, stronger, more athletic and more confident, think about how good you will feel knowing that you trained them for success! When you help youth athletes experience success, you experience that success. See yourself at the games of your youth athletes and hearing other parents and coaches talking about how you helped the kids become winners.
Here's Everything You'll Be Getting...
What you are about to discover is my blueprint for increasing your lean muscle, strength, speed and conditioning while dropping body fat and increasing your sports performance...
With nothing but your body weight and some guts!
This is an 8 week program that you can perform repeatedly or simply use for one or two cycles throughout the year.
While I love the feel of cold steel barbells, dumbbells and serious strength equipment, this program is meant to give you the same sports development without the injuries, sore joints, sore muscles and equipment needs.
Bodyweight training will allow you to build the athletic body that is capable of performing on the field and at game time.
Body weight training has transformed many athletes into bigger, faster, better‐conditioned players. It is perfect for developing youth athletes safely and effectively.
Whether you have had strength training experience or are a rank beginner, this program will work for you.
Open your mind, stay focused on your goals and don’t hold back when training. Good things are about to start happening.
Faster, Stronger and More Athletic
In Just 8 Weeks!
Week 1 ---
This is the intro week for the FAST program. You’ll start building a foundation of strength, speed, power, conditioning and muscle. This foundation will transfer over to your sports performance as the weeks progress.
You’ll have 3 workouts: Speed and Power, Conditioning and Strength/Muscle-Building.
Week 2 ---
This week will have you performing new exercises to develop the muscles needed for sports performance. You’ll experience core training, speed development training and new strength moves that were carefully selected to build more athleticism. Each of the exercises will become more familiar and you’ll start developing the confidence and mental toughness needed to succeed in sports... and life!
Week 3 ---
By the end of the 3rd week of training on the FAST program you will notice dramatic improvements in your speed and strength. We use a method called “progressive resistance” training to super-charge your gains. You will find your quickness and reaction time greatly improving by the end of this week!
Week 4 ---
We refer to week 4 as the “new athlete” week. By the end of week 4 you will have a youth athlete who is mentally focused, physically dominating and confident! Hard work pays off and this week will prove it. The habit of training hard and smart is being instilled in your young athletes at this point.
Week 5 ---
This is the week where the athletes will begin to optimize their body composition. They will be leaner, stronger and faster. Their body will begin to look different... more athletic. They will walk with better posture, run with better form and perform on and off the field like a champion. This is due to the core development and posterior chain muscle development that they’ve been working on.
Week 6 ---
Be prepared to jump this week. By week 6 your young athletes have laid a foundation of strength, speed, power, conditioning and muscle development. Now is the time to flip the switch and “turn on” their total sports performance! An emphasis is now placed on plyometric exercises to further increase their speed and performance.
Week 7 ---
By week 7 your youth athletes reaction time and ability to move fast will be off the charts. This week they will be performing exercises that help build more hip and shoulder stability to help reduce injuries while improving sports performance. It’s like bullet-proofing your athletes so they can stay in the game and not get those non-impact injuries that plague so many athletes who don’t train correctly.
Week 8 ---
This is the athletic transformation week. Your youth athletes will be ready for anything at the end of the program. They will be ultimately conditioned, strong as a bull, fast as a cat and mentally prepared. You may wonder if this is actually the same athlete that began the program.
At the end of the 8 week program you will have an athletic transformation. The increases in strength, power, speed and conditioning will have a practical carry-over to any sport. The best part is that this F.A.S.T. program gives enough variety that it can repeated over and over again. OR... if you’re ready to take your performance to the next level you’ll be ready for our F.A.S.T. Advanced Youth Athlete Training System. It is our premier athletic performance training program.
Here are testimonials from people
just like you who got results...
Easy To Understand, Results Are Marvelous!
"It's easy to receive someone's opinion about "what type of training works," but it is always wise to seek knowledge from a professional who has the educational foundation and practical experience to deliver "cutting edge" programs based on research, testing, and results. These programs written by Steve Preston do that! Each program is easy to understand, and when followed, the results are marvelous."
Lou DiCioccio, MS, MA
Gained Muscle In Just Weeks!
"Gained 6 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks, and had a 10 strikeout shutout after ONLY 5 weeks into the program!"
Isaiah Junkins - Pitcher
He Knows How to Develop Strength!
"Steve Preston has been doing this a long time. He knows exactly what my son needs to develop speed and strength."
Happy Father
I'm Also Including These "Next Level" Bonuses
F.A.S.T. Speed & Agility Games
Kids learn through play much better than repetitive skills and boring drills.
If you want a young athlete to enjoy sports while getting really good at them you have to make it fun.
Games are a great way to reinforce some of the athletic skills you are trying to have them master.
You can have your young athletes finish off practices and workouts with games. This gives them incentive because they love the fun that they get to look forward to.
Real Value: $49
F.A.S.T. Nutrition Guide
What would you say if I told you that I could help you get stronger, faster and have more
energy for sports within 3 days?
Would you believe me? I hope so, because it's true!
In this manual, I'm going to give you the nutritional secrets to high-performance sports nutrition...
I'm going to give you a bit of an education on the what, when, why and how much of ultimate sports nutrition.
I wrote this manual to help young athletes, coaches and parents discover the 'missing link' between being a good athlete and being great.
Real Value: $49
8 F.A.S.T. Speed Training Drills for Youth Athletes
Let's face it, the success of most athletes in their respective sports is speed, quickness and power. Generally speaking, the kid that gets to the ball the quickest has the most success.
In over 20 years of teaching, coaching and training young athletes, I've seen at least 10,000 different young people.
Real Value: $49
The F.A.S.T. Complete Training Bundle
As you can probably see, getting access to the F.A.S.T. Complete Training Bundle is like having me and my 30+ years training youth athletes as your personal trainer and coach...
I've spent decades in the trenches studying and testing the best training methods for rapid, safe and long lasting development in you athletes and you can have it all your fingertips by getting in on this New Bundle!
I am sick of losing promising young athletes to injury and burnout...
And done feeling sick to my stomach every time I see a young and excited athlete struggle using poor training methods only to lead to them becoming frustrated, discouraged and ultimately a poor experience that could have been so much more...
So, are you excited about the F.A.S.T Complete Youth Training Bundle yet? 🙂 If so, then NOW is the time to take action...
Here's EVERYTHING You'll Get In The
F.A.S.T Complete Youth Training Bundle TODAY!
F.A.S.T. Complete Youth Athlete Training System ($67 Value)
F.A.S.T. "Next Level" Agility Games ($49 Value)
F.A.S.T. "Next Level" Nutrition Guide ($49 Value)
F.A.S.T. Speed Training Drills ($49 Value)
TOTAL VALUE - $214.00
Here's What To Do Next...
As you can see, everything including the bonuses has a total value of $214... but you can get EVERYTHING for over 80% off if you act now!
And you have nothing to lose because you can...
Take A Full 90 days To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee!
If "F.A.S.T. Youth Athlete System" doesn't show me exactly how to help youth athletes achieve success... if it doesn't take me by the hand, step-by-step develop confidence in youth athletes... or if it fails to help me build champion athletes and teams, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!
As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....
Here's How To Order Right Now...
So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!
To Your Sports Success, Act Now Before The Price Goes Up!
To your sports success,
-Steve Preston
P.S. - If you want a done-for-you complete training system designed specifically for youth athletes and based all my trial and errors over the past 30 year working specifically with youth athletes of all levels, then you are not going to want to wait! Don't waste any time using ineffective training methods and lose out on tapping their fullest athletic potential in the long-term. Click here to get in on this Comprehensive Package at this limited time 80% Off offer, before it's gone.
Act now before the price goes up!