How to Make Your Child A “Winner”
Without Burning Them Out
Unlock Your Child’s Full Potential
By Keeping Them In Sports
Develop A Winning Attitude
Tap New Levels Of Confidence
Embrace Hard Work & Dedication By
Giving Them The Support They Need and
Keeping Sports Fun
Coach Daryl Weber here…
It’s a funny thing, no matter how much success you have, you always seem to remember the biggest losses with the most clarity…
My biggest losses were never suffered on game day…
No competition loss ever came close to the devastation felt when a promising young athlete quit my team!
I stepped down from coaching several years ago, but this gut wrenching feeling came slamming back into my life just a few days ago, when I ran into one of my former athletes.
I was out and about one evening and he rushed up to me, grabbed my hand and said “Coach, I want to thank you for everything you did for me and I should have listened to you more when I was younger”
You see, in elementary and middle school he was a “rock star”! He won all the biggest tournaments and was one of the top athletes in our program.
His Parents Went Everywhere
Supported Him
Would Do Anything!
As he got into high school, he began to struggle…
You see, he was so talented in his younger career that things came easy to him, maybe too easy.
As a freshman in high school, he found himself a little fish in a big pond.
Which is typical and this is where hard work and dedication blended with talent can take you to the next level quickly…
But rather than embrace this challenge he wanted to find shortcuts, his parents were frustrated to see him struggling and they began to point fingers…
He soon began to get passed by teammates he’d always done better than…
This led to further frustration and desperation in his parents…
It hurt them to see their son no longer experiencing the success they were used to. They were well intentioned, but ill equipped to handle these hard times…
Emotions steered their decisions… they started lashing out at the coaching staff, then the school and finally the child, fracturing their relationship…
Despite Loads Of Guidance
There Was No “Righting The Ship”
The Pressure Became Too Much!
Ultimately driving this talented young athlete out of the sport for good and ruining his relationship with his parents. Followed by years of bad choices, keeping him from not only earning a college scholarship but barely finishing high school and not even attending college.
When I ran into him he had gotten his act together, started a family and was working towards a trade degree…
Barely making ends meet, but in total acceptance of his choices and ready to move forward…
This mature attitude gave me some solace, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t go back to those sleepless nights I spent wondering what I could have done differently…
Could I have counseled his parents better… Was there anything we could have done different that would have kept this young man…
On the path to athletic and academic success and sent him off to college on a scholarship…
What a different life he would be living right now!
I am sad to say, but this isn’t an isolated incident and I often hear horror stories like this from other coaches…
Every time something like this happened during my coaching career, it was like losing a family member!
Too often parents have no training or experience in these matters and besides the best of intentions, things can go south quick…
It’s like trying to fix a car with no training… It’s inevitably going to end in a breakdown...
Parents And Coaches Can’t Control Everything
We Can Only Do Our Best!
Since stepping down as head coach of my program I have made it my mission to help coaches and parents get the most out of their children through athletics…
Passing on the many do’s and don’ts I learned about motivating and keeping youngsters involved in sports…Revealing tips on how parents can best support, guide and build stronger relationships with their child through sports…
It seems easy, right? Keep it fun, get them motivated, teach them discipline, etc…
But there are some universal coaching and mentoring rules that apply to all sports that can help parents keep from taking a wrong turn, that they might not notice until it’s too late…
It’s my mission to arm each parent with knowledge to support, encourage and guide their young athletes to tapping into their fullest potential and reaping all the benefits sports have to offer…
I have recently taken it a step further and connected with experts, coaches, authors and other brilliant sports minds to create an amazing toolbox for parents of youth athletes…
It’s called the Youth Athlete Academy…
What The
Youth Athlete Academy
Can Do For You...

The Right Perspective & Attitude
Given the right advice a parent can help their child forge the right perspective that leads to the healthiest and safest sporting environment…
By helping them to understand that winning isn’t everything, but rather the lessons learned on the journey are what matter most…
Giving your best effort and constantly growing are the true signs of a “winner” and failure is not losing a game but rather not giving it your all and failing to learn along the way.

Unlock New Levels Of Confidence
Help your child build the self confidence and self worth that will make them better athletically, academically and socially…
Giving them a self-belief they can carry with them for the rest of their life, as they go out on their own.

Support & Encouragement
Give your child the type of support that doesn’t put too much pressure on them or lead to broken relationships, but rather the type of parental support built on the encouragement they need as they struggle through their developmental years and leading to a stronger bond with your child.
Recognize how to create the supportive family that allows them to flourish and make lasting memories that you and you child can fondly look back upon.

Fun, Healthy & Positive Experience
Help your child have fun with their sport, resulting in a love for sport and healthy competition…
Along the way developing a positive attitude and an understanding that hard work, dedication, sportsmanship and humility pay off and are the biggest indicator of a winner… Not plastic trophies.

Grow Through Adversity
Ensure your son or daughter learns to persevere through the ups and downs of sports…
Always getting back up when knocked down, getting stronger through adversity and developing the character and desire they’ll need as they strive for success in life after sports.

Proven Training Advice
We all know that winning is more fun than losing and that’s why it’s important to give your child the best training advice possible to set them up for the best chance of game day success…
Arm yourself with the best training advice on crucial topics like… nutrition, goal setting, strength training, developing mental strength and handling loss…
So you can have the best answers when they need your guidance the most and actually recognize a great coaching environment when they’re in one.

Understanding & Relating To Coaches
Realize when your athlete is in the hands of a great coach as well as in a bad coaching environment…
Be confident that you can spot when a coach is actually showing favoritism to other kids and not doing what’s best for your child…
This is rarely the case, but it does happen and you need to have effective strategies for recognizing and dealing with this in a constructive manner.
The Youth Athlete Academy Will
Provide You With The Tools...
...that you can use to understand the “why” behind coach's decisions, get everyone on the same page and ultimately make you a valuable extension of the coaching staff...
Watch your child flourish in a positive sports environment built through a strong parent-coach trust developed from your understanding of the coach's tactics, open communication and strong sense of “buy-in” the coach feels from you and your child.
Never fear losing your relationship with your child or becoming the “crazy parent” that lives vicariously through their child…
Discover how to be sure you’re not putting too much pressure on your athlete like many parents mistakenly do…
Ultimately leading them to quit sports and miss out on all the memories and valuable lessons sports can provide.
Become the “go-to” for other parents when they are looking for advice on how to best handle their young athletes, as a parent.
Ultimately, as a parent, you want to be able to sit back in the stands and watch your child flourish on all fronts and be equipped to give the right advice when your child needs it most.
All of this is delivered through…

Four Unique Educational Elements

Your background is so interesting coming both from the athlete side and the coaching side at that elite level, it’s really phenomenal how you’ve made use of strategies and skills that you’ve learned as an athlete and then plugged them into your coaching and mentoring of young people. It’s cool!
Dr. Caroline Silby Sports Psychology
I’d love to develop a relationship [with you]. It was a pleasure meeting you, and hopefully we can continue to talk. You know coaching is coaching regardless of the sport, as you know, so I’d love to pick your brain eventually at some point.
Mike Kuchar Co-Founder and Senior Research for X and O Labs
My big task for coaches is to be open-minded, and think about it. Ask questions. Question what you’ve learned, what you’ve been taught. And try to find different people, like you [Daryl Weber] in wrestling or really ANY coach that is doing great things with their athletes… asking those questions, ‘What are the top 10 mistakes that coaches can make?’. Those kinds of questions need to be asked or else we get stuck in our thinking.
Joey Myers Co-Founder Hitting Performance Labs
Sounds like you’re doing great things. I’m grateful that you are.
Sam Weinman Author of the book: “Win at Losing”
How Does It Work?
I was a high school and youth coach for over 15 years. My program set the state record for the most consecutive high school state championships in a row for any sport in VA.
We won 14 consecutive championships while I was there and as I write this it is still going a 16…
With all this success, I still look back at the one thing that I struggle with the most…
Losing athletes… watching them quit… and knowing that maybe I could have done something different or could have helped a parent make better decisions that would have kept that athlete in sports…
Let me introduce myself, my name is Daryl Weber…
I am the passionate creator of the Youth Athlete Academy… The Ultimate Resource for Sport Parents.
I have always felt that well-intentioned sport parents needed a resource they could go to when faced with making decisions on how to best help their son or daughter reap the maximum benefits sports can offer them.
I want you to use my decades of experience as well as the many other coaches and experts we feature in the Youth Athlete Academy to guide your child through their developmental years, as best you can.
My #1 goal is to see as many children have positive and lasting results through sports.
That is what I hope to provide you with in our members area…
When you sign up there will already be mini courses and interviews loaded into the members area that you’ll have immediate access to…
Everything is designed to be easily understood and simple to put into action…
New mini-courses and expert interviews are added each month…
We don’t want you to be overwhelmed so we design everything to be consumed in 30-60 minutes…
Just 30-60 Minutes A Month...
Could Lead to More Success For Your Child And A
Stronger “Parent-Child” Relationship For Life
Of course you could dive in even further each month, deep-diving into all our laser focused material…
Going to our private forum asking other parents, that have gone through the same situations you and your child are going through, for advice…
As well as bouncing questions, thoughts and ideas off myself and our experts…
You’ll be able to print off the worksheets and pdf’s provided with our mini-courses and go over them with your child or…
Have them watch part of an interview or a mini-course to help things “click” more easily for them.
Listen to the interviews and courses while you watch practice, mow the yard or drive to work…
Refer to these valuable resources anytime you get a cue from your child or see a situation arising…
Find the interview or course on this topic and develop a constructive and positive gameplan to react to the situation in the best way possible…
You can even go to the private forum and ask for more advice on how to guide your child or react to a possible stressful situation before pulling the trigger and causing more damage than good, with an overly emotional reaction…
Like I mentioned, I have a deep passion for helping as many children discover the maximum benefits through sports…
Having a great coach, educated parent and strong & supportive “sports family” is key…
We will be constantly improving this resource to make it the #1 place for guiding sport parents on the web…
Still not sure about joining the Youth Athlete Academy then checkout what these leading experts have to say...
Reminds Me Of What I Studied As An Athlete & Coach!
"I really like the opportunities Daryl Weber is providing wrestlers,coaches and parents in the great sport of wrestling. These in depth training resources reminds me of what I studied as an athlete and coach. One can enhance their wrestling knowledge and successes with these resources and some hard work."
Dan Gable
Legendary Coach & Olympic Champion
So What Is All This
Going To Cost?
Even though it typically costs in the $1000’s to get an expert to perform a clinic or seminar for your organization (if you can even get them) or $100’s to attend a seminar...
You're not going to pay anything close to that!
- You’re not going to have to travel to get these insights…
- You won’t pay for a hotel room from attending a seminar...
- You won’t have to take time off from work…
- You won’t spend more time away from your family or struggle to get your questions answered…
Of course, you could try to read books from the experts and attend expensive seminars…
You could try to find a coach, nutritionist, sports psychologist or sports performance specialist you think you can trust, and pick their brains…
But that takes a tremendous amount of time, energy and money. In the end you can’t always be sure you’re getting the best advice.
The amount of money and time you can actually save along with the benefits your child could get from this advice and the stronger bond that could form between you too… Is mind boggling!
Wasting time with a trial and error method will lead to permanent setbacks and is almost assured to put a strain or your relationship… Losing out on time and great memories that you can’t get back.
- We have interviews with leading sports experts with in-depth knowledge on how to train, relate to and develop youth and high school athletes…
- Mini courses designed for ease of use for busy parents...
- A passionate community designed to give parents top notch advice and multiple perspectives.
On top of that…
You have, me, a Hall Of Fame and record setting coach that will host all the programs…
I’ll be honest, this takes a lot of work, a team of employees as well as a ton of time and expertise to bring this to you….
So that is why you’ll be charged $47/month to continue access to this Premiere resource for any Sport Parent wanting to be armed with the best advice for tapping the fullest potential of their son or daughter…
Keep in mind that the sports landscape changes all the time, but there are tried and true methods of development, that the best coaches and programs rely on...
You can expect to get new resources in this members area each month. Not too much, but enough to keep you learning and growing as a parent with a child in sports.
Just think about what a minimal investment it is for what you’re getting.
Clicking The Order Button
for just $47 you get
a monthly subscription to
Youth Athlete Academy.
You will be charged $47/month for as long as you get value from your membership.
You can cancel at any time by emailing us at or calling our customer support line: 1-844-828-8225
Our order page uses the most secure platform on the internet. If you still don’t feel comfortable placing the order online, but want to join, call our customer service number and place your order: 1-844-828-8225.
After ordering you will receive an email with everything you need to login to our private members area. It hosts everything released in the Youth Athlete Academy.
You’ll be able to access everything in the members area 24/7 and from anywhere you can get online… Using your desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone or any other smartphone or digital device you can use the internet on.
Many of the resources are available for download. You can load them to your device and consume them at your convenience, even without internet access.
Many of the workbooks, guides and any other printable resources are available in pdf download format. So you can view them digitally on your device or print hard copies to take with you anywhere.
Since everything is digital you won’t have to worry about shipping costs. You won’t have to worry about access to the current resources or the resources we’ll release in the future.
Remember this offer is only available on this page. If you get in now you’ll reserve this charter pricing at $47/month. The Youth Athlete Academy will grow and evolve. We can't promise that we won’t have to raise the price in the future.You won’t have to worry about that by getting in today.
To make sure you are totally comfortable with ordering today... I want to let you know just how “Risk Free” this is…
Listen, I want to make a difference… Yes, it does cost money... But I only want your money, if you are getting something from this amazing resource. If you don’t think it's worth it, you find that you don’t need it or you just can’t find the time to use it… Then I DON’T want your money and that’s why we have our…
60 Day “No Questions… No Regrets”
100% Money Back Guarantee
If at any time --- for any reason --- you’re unhappy with your subscription, just say the word! I’ll REFUND EVERY PENNY you’ve spent on the Youth Athlete Academy in the past 60 days…
No Questions Asked, On Our End… Hopefully No Regrets, Ever, On Your End…
And if you decide to cancel your membership, you KEEP everything you’ve downloaded from the members area… Trust me that could be $100’s if not $1000’s of resources you could walk away with.
I stepped down from coaching my record-setting program several years ago because I felt I was meant to do more than influence the 40-60 young athletes at a time… I had a vision of helping 1000’s of youth and their parents experience maximum growth, satisfaction and development….
That’s why I want to remove every barrier you might have of getting in on this Ultimate Resource of Sport Parents!
I hope you feel the passion coming through my keyboard and I hope you agree… This guarantee is as a fair as it gets!
Try it and See - It’s 100% Guaranteed
By becoming a part of our community… you’ve put your trust in me and my team, and we are excited to help you and your child. We know the Youth Athlete Academy can do just that, if you become a member and take action…
I’m willing to go above and beyond so you can discover all the benefits of the Youth Athlete Academy and that’s why I am making it a “Zero Risk Offer” on this page!
That’s really the whole idea behind my 60 Day “No Questions… No Regrets” 100% Money Back Guarantee.
I’m a coach and it’s my job to
get people to take action…
Sometimes that might make people feel uncomfortable… AND THAT’S A GOOD THING...
That’s where real growth happens!
Right now you’re at a crossroads…
And you’re faced with 3 very different options…
Leading you down VERY different paths…
Option 1 - Is to leave this page without taking advantage of the opportunity I’ve presented you…
Keep winging it and trying to figure out what’s best for your child in sports on your own.
Keep putting blind faith in the coaches and mentors who cross your path….
Things may or may not go well… By the time you find out, it’ll be too late and the damage may already be done.
Option 2 - You can decide to do something to prepare yourself. You can scour the internet for hours, days, weeks, months… even YEARS! Read books… Try to find mentors, coaches and other experts you can trust. You might find some answers… but if you leave this page, you will definitely miss out on this opportunity...
Option 3 - Just say “YES” to this absolutely RISK FREE opportunity I have presented …
Click the button, enter your payment info and enroll in your $47 membership of the Youth Athlete Academy. Remember, you have zero to lose… You’ll have top notch, game changing advice from experts that you can rely on, you’ll get fresh new resources each month and you can always look back on this opportunity with NO REGRET.

Pay Just $47 Today!
Yes! I want to get in on Special Members Pricing of
Just $47/month for as long as I'm a member.
Click Here to Get Your Membership of Just $47/month

P.S. Listen, I haven’t just studied books on coaching, taken courses and went to seminars... I have lived it! I coached high school and youth for 15 years. My program won 14 consecutive state titles while I was a coach. I sent countless athletes to college programs and most of all… I pride myself in the discipline and character I build in my athletes.
P.P.S. Oh, I also was an athlete under one of the greatest college coaches of all time... in any sport. Dan Gable of the University of Iowa was my mentor and coach. I studied him relentlessly, then went to the trenches and tailored his winning tactics for youth and high school development. I continue to work with him to this day to garner valuable insights for my programs.
P.P.P.S Lastly, I was an NCAA Champion and 3x All-American while at the University of Iowa. I don’t say this to toot my own horn… I say this to let you know that things weren’t handed to me. I persevered through many struggles… I have been there and done that as an athlete and a coach… and I want to help you on your journey with your son or daughter.
I hope to see you on the other side! (Click Here To Sign Up Today)