This is the same proven system forged by Renown Sports Performance Specialist,
Steve Preston, that he’s perfected over his 20 Years In The Trenches to rapidly develop athletes of all ages and skill levels.
It’s the same system former Division 1 Strength Coach, and Hall of Fame & Record Setting Developmental Coach Daryl Weber used with his athletes to produce an astonishing 14 straight state team titles…
These two expert coaches have teamed up to reveal, for the first time, the exact step-by-step blueprint they use with their youth and high schoolers to crank out top-tier athletes year after year.
But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of this powerful system, there’s something you need to know:
If you’re the kind of coach or parent who chases every “fad of the month” workout routine…
Or you’re mired in the raging “single sport vs. multi-sport” debate…
Then you’re focused on the wrong things, and your kids will suffer for it.
Here's what I mean:
Folks who are always adopting the latest whiz-bang workout regimen have a wildly unstable and inconsistent program that can never become a true athlete factory…
Look, when you don’t install a strategic system progressively build and develop your players, you create false plateaus for them – or worse, you stunt their growth altogether…
You must have a long-term, progressive strategy in place to have any hope of effectively developing your kids.