For Coaches, Parents and Athletes wanting to use the same systems top coaches and programs use to boost strength, speed and power, as well as increase participation...
Complete System For Developing
Athletic Power, Speed & Strength
In Youth Athletes
From Day One to D1
Best Part - This Complete Athlete System is proven to:
Increase Participation -Retain Athletes - Ignite The Internal Motivation Needed For Long Term Athletic Success
The secret to athletic development, in any sport, is to use a program that young athletes will be excited to consistently take part in!
Without sparking an athlete's interest, getting them excited about workouts and delivering results (quick)...
You are going to lose athletes before they see any change. The ones that continue will just be going through the motions.
The secret sauce to making huge gains in any athlete is to ignite a passion that leads to dedication and consistency…
Easier said than done, RIGHT?
Top coaches that perennially turn out great teams understand the importance of…
Having a system to increase athleticism in every athlete in their program…
They don’t just sit back and wait for great athletes to show up…
They have a well thought out and precise system that they can plug any athlete into (regardless of age or natural ability)...
A program the kids are:
- Excited to be a part of...
- Have instant elements that increase motivation...
- Develops passion and internal drive in each athlete…
Hi, my name is Daryl Weber… As an athlete I was fortunate to come through the some of the top programs in the nation in my preferred sport…
My high school coach was, at one time, the winningest wrestling coach in the state of Iowa…
Then I wrestled for the legendary Dan Gable at the University of Iowa.
From a young age I was surrounded by people that understood how to get results in youth athletes.
As an adult, I coached youth and high school wrestling in Virginia for 15 years…
The program I coached won 14 consecutive high school state championships (5 with me as assistant and 9 with me as head coach). This stands as a state record in any sport.
During my time as a coach I traveled all over the country. Every time I went to a school that was a perennial power in any sport I noticed that they had a machine running to develop strength, speed and athleticism…
Like a factory!
I have partnered with long time Sports Performance Specialist, Steve Preston…
We created a 5 phase system that coaches and parents can use to create an athletic factor of their own…
Regardless of what age or experience level the athletes you train are….
We Call It The...
Foundational Athletic Sports Training
Five Phase
Complete Athlete System
F.A.S.T. stands for Foundational Athletic Sports Training. This five phase training system is specifically designed to address the needs of any age, experience or skill level athlete.
Showing each athlete exactly where they need to safely and effectively start their strength and athleticism journey and how to progress with with maximum gains in...
flexibility… balance… coordination… agility… quickness… crisp directional change… endurance… strength… power… and explosiveness...
The best part is this program is built to attract, retain and motivate athletes and has been proven to do so in championship programs for decades...
By using a verified periodization system, along with our graduation protocol, standards charts and our advanced multi-plane variance training athletes will...
Cut down on injuries, reducing burnout, and stay engaged!
Top programs have used this system to consistently spark an internal drive in athletes...
Leading to the internal motivation and a willingness to stick to workout schedules...
That we all know is the key to making life long athletic gains ultimately...
Resulting in more success inside and outside of sports!
Here’s Everything You
Get With The System:
To start, you get the Five Core Training Modules that make up the main system.
Each module builds on the one before it to rapidly increase your strength, speed, power, flexibility and overall athleticism.
This entire system is designed to develop the youngest to the oldest and the most experienced to the least experienced athletes...
The standards and graduation system is proven to encourage consistency and dedication in young athletes...
Built to inspire an internal drive in each athlete, over time, and instill the work ethic so many young athletes struggle to develop!
In the member’s area for each module you’ll see a map showing you exactly where you are in the progression of the system, and what’s coming next...
So you'll know exactly where to start, with any athlete, and how to effectively and safely progress as they increase strength, speed and athletic power!
Along with the online member’s area, you also receive a printable PDF manual for each module so you can have it with you wherever you need it.
Now, within the manual for each module you’re given a very specific set of guidelines that detail the duration of that specific module… how many times per week to train… and how to get the most out of the workouts.
Each week is laid out in detail for you, with workouts and rest days noted.
And every workout – the exercises, sets, reps, and rest time – is completely filled in for you already.
Each manual also come with progressive standards used to motivate athletes to climb the ranks as they build their overall athleticism...
Graduation tests are also included so each athlete knows when it is the right time to move to the next phase or...
...if they should repeat a previous one and continue to build the base needed for life long strength and athleticism...
Not only that, but with every module you also get:
Complete “Dynamic” warm-up routine and stretches to ensure your athletes are prepared for the day’s workout, to increase flexibility, and to help prevent injury…
Next, you get a selection of speed & agility and ladder drills to pick from for each workout…
Then you’ll find a series of recommended speed and agility games you can insert into any workout...
The games designed to work hand-in-hand with the workouts to build athleticism.
And games are important because when kids are playing and having fun, it doesn’t seem so much like forced “work,” so their attitudes are completely different and they actually want to join in.
They still reap the benefits that come along with the “fun” exercise, plus they’re more engaged, so it’s a win-win for everybody.
This is the secret sauce for attracting, retaining and motivating athletes from elementary to high school age!
You also get a cool down routine for each workout. Cool down routines are important to speed recovery after a workout, increasing flexibility, and decrease muscle soreness…
So be sure to emphasize the cool down routine!
Finally, for some modules, there are important graduation tests at the end that athletes need to pass before they can continue to the next module.
These tests are important markers, and let you know whether an athlete is equipped for the rigors of the next training phase.
The graduation test are all based off the results athletes will document for our custom Speed, Agility & Strength Standard Charts…
These charts are excellent ways to motivate athletes to constantly strive to move up the charts…
Top programs have religiously used these type of charts and standards to create enthusiasm and excitement around working out, motivating athletes to push their limits and ultimately building more physical and MENTAL strength in each of their athletes…
You will also have downloadable certificates that you can print, fill out and present to each athlete that graduates specific phases or reaches special milestones in our custom standards chart.
So, as you can see, the system’s completely “done for you.”
In fact, you could start using the system tomorrow if you wanted to, here’s how easy it is to do:
Log in to your members area and have your athlete(s) take the simple tests we have provided…
Which will let them know exactly which phase to start with so they don’t bypass any fundamentals and jump right into the appropriate level and challenge they are ready for, at that time...
Open the manual for the module you’ve been directed to and dive in!
It’s easy!
-You’ll follow the prescribed warm-up routine…
-Next, pick 1-2 specially designed drills or games from our list of speed and agility drills, ladder drill series, and list of speed and agility games that are progressively built in each module…
-Then follow the completely done-for-you strength program journal specifically designed for each phase and module (remember, the exercises, sets and reps are already filled in for you)…
-Be sure to document your results, test against our custom standards (when called for) and watch your progress!
-And finally, be sure to follow the cool down routine so you’re ready for the next workout.
Simple, right?
More About
The Five Core Modules…
Module #1
In the first module you’ll be setting the stage for everything to come!
Using, primarily, bodyweight exercises you are going to build strength in your core, all your prime movers, boost your overall coordination and…
Ensure you have the mobility in the most essential movements needed for success in sports as well as less injuries throughout an entire athletic career.
The exercises in the first module are going to be a part of specific progressions that will be a staple of your training for your entire athletic career.
Module #2
Then in the second module it’s all about priming your entire skeletal & neuro-muscular system for the explosive gains ahead…
During this module you’ll see significant increases in not only muscular strength, but even more important... in your tendons, ligaments and joints...
All while continuing to expand your mobility and boosting your cardiovascular fitness. It’s all to get you ready for module three.
Module #3
In the third module you’ll start to see the signs of your hard work as new slabs of muscle pop out on your body… and you’ll notice a surge in your strength, speed and power.
Module #4
In the fourth module you’ll be awed by the leaps you’ll make in pure strength as you conquer (with ease) weights that you never thought would be possible for you to lift.
Module #5
In the final module, everything comes together and your speed, strength and flexibility are focused on developing raw power – power that translates into success in any sport.
And it gets even better…
Because once you finish with module five, you be 100% certain that you have the base needed for any sport and can move into sport specific training programs…
That will be grounded in the systems that you have just learned but can be tweaked successfully to address sport specific needs…
ONLY after the athletic and strength base build in The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System has been completed.
This progression has been proven to result in a much less likelihood of suffering from injuries due to overuse and disproportionate training systems.
Remember, you’re getting a done-for-you blueprint proven to continually raise the level of your athletic glass ceiling and achieve this continual growth is by leveraging the specific training secrets in the precise strategic combination found in The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System
Module #1

Module #2

Module #3

Module #4

Module #5

Listen To Coaches And Parents Just Like You
Who Got Results...
Your Programs Help With The Structured
Strength Training, Skill Agility Speed Training And The Games Are Great
""I have the 8 week FAST Foundation program and the Complete Athlete System. My middle school aged son is responding very well. My middle school aged daughter just started competitive swimming and has never been involved in a conditioning/strength training program. She wants to begin the Complete Athlete System at the conclusion of this summer swim season. I am also the head coach for the local youth recreation wrestling program and have started a trial phase of your programs with two other kids this summer. The biggest challenge/frustration is/was getting kids involved in a strength training program and keeping them interested. Part of the issue is the kids themselves having to be mentally/emotionally ready. I have found your programs help with the structured strength training, skill Agility speed training and the games are great. My son is reading the nutrition information and slowly adjusting to healthier eating habits. Thanks for your work.""
Mike Elton, Coaching Director, Hammonton (NJ)
But That’s Not All…
When you take advantage of this offer and get The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System today, you’re also going to get five awesome bonuses to go with it.
Bonus #1
The Exercise Vault

Your first bonus is The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System comprehensive Exercise Vault.
In the exercise vault you get all the details of every exercise and movement used in the system explained and broken down for you step-by-step.
With this handy bonus you’ll be not only be able to perform all the movements and exercises with perfect technique…
More importantly, you’ll be able to teach the movements to your athletes and correct their technique as needed.
Bonus #2
Core Blaster Series

Your next bonus is the Core Blaster.
Listen, this isn’t just some filler “abs workout” thrown in for good measure…
This is a series of athletic based core workouts, which train the area from your chest to your waist all the way around your body – not just your abs.
These workouts help develop your core in all planes of motion and help build a stable core.
A strong, stable core gives you better athletic performance, increases power and is key to helping prevent injury.
Simply add these Core Blaster workouts to your training or use them as stand alone “quick” workouts and reap the rewards.
Bonus #3
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Guide

Your next bonus is a High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Guide.
HIIT training helps keep your athletes conditioned both mentally and physically.
But while the phrase “HIIT training” gets thrown around a lot, in this guide you’re given a specific definition and workout philosophy of HIIT Training.
You’ll also get example workouts, guidelines for creating workouts, and tips for wringing the most benefit out of this type of training.
The bottom line for successful HIIT Training is this:
While the workouts should only last 30 minutes (from warm-up to cool down), to do it right your athletes must be working at 100% effort during training.
It’s both physically and mentally grueling, so you’re getting both mental and physical conditioning wrapped up in one.
And as you’ll discover, because it’s so brutal – yet amazingly beneficial – when done right, you should mix in HIIT workouts very sparingly.
Every 7-10 days is more than enough.
Working these sessions in just a limited amount will create an avalanche of physical and mental benefits for any athlete.
Bonus #4
F.A.S.T. Athlete's Nutrition Guide

Additionally, you’re also getting The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System Nutrition Guide bonus.
Nutrition is an “under the radar” competitive advantage for top athletes and programs, and to be one of the best your nutrition has to be on-point.
That’s why we’ve included this nutrition guide as a bonus for you…
It covers these important topics:
- Common Nutrition Problems… this is a quick discussion on the top nutrition problems facing athletes – especially youth athletes – today… along with their causes. This section is vital to understand and absorb.
- What To Eat And Why… this section of the guide spells out exactly what types of food (both good and bad) that your young athletes should be eating or avoiding, and how these foods affect their body.
- Printable Grocery List… this is a great tool inside the nutrition guide. It lists all the healthy choices for each type of food your kids should be eating. You can print this list out and take it to the store with you to make buying delicious, healthy foods a breeze.
- Formulas For Creating High-Performance, Or Fat And Weight Reduction Meals… you’ll know exactly how many servings of each type of food to include in every meal to achieve your specific goal. Then you simply combine the healthy foods you bought in the right amounts, and you’re all set. Easy!
- An Honest Discussion On 7 Popular Supplements For Athletes… you’ll never be confused about supplements after reading this. It details everything you need to know about the seven most popular supplements for sports today. You’ll discover which, if any, your athletes should take. Each supplement is given a grade based on its actual benefit for your youth athlete.
Bonus #5
Custom Workout Journals

Finally, you’re also going to get a downloadable Custom Workout Journal for each module that you can print out and give to every one of your athletes.
The workout journal is loaded with great features, including:
- A Short Introductory Personalization Assessment… your athletes do a quick, three-exercise assessment at the start. This sets a benchmark for their current athleticism, and allows you to work with them to establish goals for improvement.
- Detailed Weekly Training Schedule… the workout journal comes with every week already laid out, so you’ll be able to quickly flip to your current training week, and know exactly what’s happening with just a glance.
- Daily Workout Log… Each training day plotted in the journal and every detail is listed, including that day’s exercise, the order to perform the exercises in, the prescribed number of sets and reps, and target rest time between sets.
- Weekly Training Tips… each week your athletes will find a tip new in their journal. Each tip will give them one tidbit of knowledge that can make a world of difference. The more athletes are exposed to small easily consumable chunks of important knowledge… The more likely it is to sink in and become a habit! This is a simple reinforcement tool, and is a great feature of the journal.
- An Ending Performance Test… at the end of each training phase (and occasionally in the middle), your athletes will chart their results and measure their progress with our custom Strength, Speed and Agility Standards Charts. It progressively builds off the same exercises as the introductory assessment, so you get an “apples to apples” comparison of how well your athletes are doing, and if they’ve hit – or exceeded – their goals. Seeing their progress in writing like this is another great motivating tool of the journal. You will also use these measurements to determine if they have graduated from a specific phase and are physically prepared for the next.
- What’s Next Section… Each phase ends with a section that tells you exactly what your next step should be. Taking out all the guesswork and ensuring each athlete stays on the path that is best suited for their individual progress.
And if that wasn’t enough, just listen to this…
On top of the core system and all the extra bonuses, Steve and I decided to make getting The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System" even more of a no-brainer for you…
So for now we’re offering everything listed below for a ridiculously low Introductory Rate!
Here's What All You'll Get
With This Special System

Module #1 - The Bodyweight Mastery Phase ($97 Value)
Module #2 - The Athletic Preparation Phase ($97 Value)
Module #3 - The Athletic Muscle Building Phase ($97 Value)
Module #4 - The Max Sport Strength Phase ($97 Value)
Module #5 - The Power Performance ($97 Value)
Bonus #1 - Complete Exercise Vault ($77 Value)
Bonus #2 - Complete HIIT Guide ($47 Value)
Bonus #3 - Core Blaster Series ($47 Value)
Bonus #4 - Done-For-You Workout Journals ($29 Value)
Bonus #5 - Complete Nutrition Guide ($97 Value)
Total Value = $782.00
Yours Today For The
Ridiculously Low Cost Of...
JUST $97
That's A 88% Discount!!!
That’s right. You get it all…
The five core modules of The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System…
Each module features:
Specific, printable PDF manual… warm-up routines… speed & agility drills… ladder drills… strategic games for each module… cool down routines… the easy-to-follow weekly calendar… and the fully filled-in “done for you” daily workouts…
Plus you’re also getting all these great bonuses:
The Exercise Vault… the Core Blaster workouts… the HIIT Training Guide… the Nutrition Guide… and the Custom Training Journal…
And it’s all exclusively yours at the insanely low price of $97 , that's a 88% discount and $685 off the total value price.
Just click the button below to add the system to your order now.
Let Me Prove It To You!
And as always, your satisfaction is guaranteed, and The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System is backed with our easy, no-questions-asked:
60-Day “Break Through Guarantee”
Here’s our guarantee:
Put The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System to the test for 60 days – two full months…
After two months, you must not only be completely satisfied with it…
You must also agree wholeheartedly that it will revolutionize the way your train your athletes…
It will enable your athletes to break through their “athletic glass ceiling” and make incredible gains in strength, speed, power and flexibility or we’ll refund every penny of your purchase price.
So go ahead and try The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System for the full 60 days.
Then if for any reason – or no reason at all – you’re not completely satisfied, just email to let us know, and your entire purchase price will be promptly refunded.
All the risk is on us, and The F.A.S.T. 5 Phase Complete Athlete System to deliver the goods – you’ve got nothing to lose!
I Think You’ll Agree That’s More Than Fair.

TOTAL VALUE - $782.00
JUST $97
You will gain immediate digital access to everything included in this package. All workbooks are digital downloads. You will gain access to the complete package in one of our members areas.