Want to be FASTER? Gain SPEED and QUICKNESS?

Speed Training Drills &
Warmups Manual
“8 Drills Proven To Increase Speed, Quickness and
Develop Long-Term Athleticism”
All manuals are delivered as an eBook PDF. After purchase, you will receive an email with a link to access the PDF for viewing and/or download.
POWERED BY: F.A.S.T. Systems
Foundational-Athletic-Sports-Training Systems
So who Is This “Speed Training Manual” For?
Our 8 F.A.S.T. Speed Drills Manual will make your life easier as a coach, parent or trainer wanting to increase speed and quickness in your youth athletes.
We’ve cut out all of the fluff and theory, and left you with nothing but useable drills that you can use TODAY with one athlete or a team.
The best part is that you don’t even need any equipment.
It’s that easy!
It works for all youth athletes at the Elementary School, Middle School and High School levels. We’ve given you 8 simple to learn, yet highly-effective drills that will help all youth athletes get faster on their feet for sports.
What’s Inside...

Simple, yet-effective warmups to get your youth athletes ready for action

Stretches that are effective for young athletes who are growing... to increase speed and quickness with increased range of motion.

Speed Drills
The best speed drills so your young athletes get fast on their feet and get to the ball faster.

A blueprint for adding these drills to your team practices or workouts.

Tips and strategies for easily adding speed and increasing athletic ability in all of your athletes.

What This "Speed Training Manual" Will Do...
These 8 speed and quickness drills are perfect for Coaches and Trainers who work with youth athletes. You’ll be able to help your athletes develop more speed and quickness that will carry over on to the field or court.
If you’re a parent of a youth athlete this is a great group of carefully selected drills that you can use with your athlete any time to help develop more confidence for their sport. You can do these in a park, your backyard or gym. The best part is that you need very little equipment. Your athletes will have fun doing these drills too!
Get It Before This
Special Pricing Is Gone!
This is a focused collection of easy-to-learn drills...
Specifically designed to improve the speed, power, quickness and reaction time in young athletes.
These drills can be easily inserted into any workout regimen to ensure athletes are using their limited training time efficiently...
As well as developing the skills needed to excel in any sport and increase their overall sports performance and health.
Most parents, coaches and trainers make the mistake of training youth athletes like adult athletes or they’re favorite professional athlete’s workout...
Remember, youth athletes need a different approach to increasing their speed and strength and long-term development.
The 8 F.A.S.T. Speed Drills presented in this easy to follow manual will be your blueprint for...
Making sure you are using the most effective, fun, easy to follow speed drills for generating rapid development and excitement in your athletes.
Listen, if you want to figure this out yourself, no problem. But please make sure that you train your youth athletes with the proper exercises, frequency, and duration to help them become faster, quicker and better athletes.
If you try to train youth athletes like adults you will waste your time at best, and hurt their long-term progress or injure them at worst.
We care about you and your youth athletes.
We want you to train them responsibly in regard to their specific growth and development stage in life.
That’s why we are offering the F.A.S.T. Speed Drills manual for a measly $7!
Why am I practically giving this away for ONLY $7?
Two reasons:
REASON #1 -- I want you to be my customer for as long as you need the kinds of products I make. My Dad taught me something a long time ago - he said, “If you add more value, give more, and care more than anyone else, you will have more loyal customers than you can handle, and they will stay with you forever!” So, as often as I can, I will try to give very valuable programs to you for as close to free as possible, so you’ll know that I care more, I add more value to your life, and I give more than anyone else.
REASON #2 -- I truly believe the 8 F.A.S.T. Speed Drills can help coaches, parents and athletes everywhere! It worked amazingly well in my record-setting championship program and it has worked so well for 1000's that have used it... I want to take down as many barriers as possible to get it in your hands, so you can see for yourself. It is my personal and professional goal to pass on the knowledge I have been blessed to gain over the years to as many as possible and this seems like a fantastic opportunity to show you what how I can help you.
What's the catch?
There is a small catch here.
I know that this program is going to give any coach, parent or athlete an amazing foundation and boost in their training and/or coach BUT...
I also know that it should be just the beginning...
To tap into the fullest PHYSICAL & MENTAL potential of athletes of any age...
It takes fantastic mentoring!
You need to continually educate yourself on the best training strategies, coaching tips and always be listening to the brightest minds in the game.
But who has time to read book after book, listen to countless podcasts or learn through trial and error?
That is why I have put together one last special bonus that you'll see just below this section.
I want you to see the ultimate resource we have to offer and that could change more careers than anything I've seen out there.
Don't worry, it won't cost you a thing when you get in on this $7 deal.
I am excited to get this out to as many people as possible, because I and my team of experts have put a ton of time into creating this...
We have literally sent the last several years designing it and decades proving the systems!
The Biggest Reason To Act Now
(I just added this amazing bonus)
If you’re one of the next 50 people to request The 8 F.A.S.T. Speed Drills for ONLY $7, you’ll also get 14 days of FREE ACCESS to my exclusive Youth Athlete Training Academy.
Why do just the next 50 people get this opportunity?
Like I mentioned before, I and my team have killed ourselves to put together the perfect resource for coaches, parents and athletes of any age, skill level or sport to find complete resources and advice in all the most important areas of development for youth athletes and programs.
This academy is designed to give any club, youth team, middle school, high school team or athletes the ultimate edge in overall development of the mind and body for sports and beyond.
So with all that said, I think you can tell that this is our baby and we don't just want to hand it all over for free to everyone. We want this to be an interactive community with only members that are serious about developing athletes.
That's why only the next 50 get this special bonus.
What’s in the Youth Athlete Training Academy?
JUST ONE of the amazing features of my Youth Athlete Training Academy is you get to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of coaching experts, DIRECTLY in our private community center. Second, you get access to countless mini courses. These are easy-to-consume and use training courses on everything from fundraising, goal setting, dealing with parents, how to motivate youth today, parents dealing with coaches and much more. Honestly, there are too many to list out here...
We also post routine interviews with expert coaches from many different sports and specialties. These experts are asked 3-5 focused questions that bring out their best expertise with easy to use action steps. You won't just listen to some veteran coach or PhD ramble on and talk over your head... We make sure to pull out their best tips and show you how use them today!
What are the other features? Too many to keep listing here! But I do want to be sure you know that free, for 14 days, you are going to get access to some of the most proven expert coaching strategies in existence! All designed by championship coaches that aren't just guessing... but they have proven them to work time and time again.
After the 14-day trial period, you’ll continue to have access to the Youth Athlete Training Academy, with new modules, content, interviews, workouts, and more, available to you every month, all for a small monthly investment of just $47. To avoid credit card charges, you can cancel your access before the end of your 14-day free trial period by emailing us at support@youthathlete.training and we will process your request, no questions asked.

In Case You're Still Not Sure...
Zero Risk For You!
Let Us Prove It
No Risk 60 Day "Athlete Factory" Money Back Guarantee!
60 Day – 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied. I am so confident that my products will help you or your team become better that I am will to give this no-questions-asked 100% 60 Day Guarantee.
I put a lot of pride into the material I put on the web and everything I sell has been developed in the trenches for years. My series are based of the systems I developed coaching youth and high school for over a decade and training under Dan Gable for nearly a decade, in college and international styles.
If you haven’t gotten more than your money’s worth… if you don’t feel you will see MASSIVE improvement by getting to work with my systems… just email me and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.
This is a drop in the bucket compared to the years of teaching, coaching and training experience behind these youth speed drills that you are about to discover.
Imagine how for the cost of your morning Latte you can have an easy-to-reference guide for implementing speed drills, warmups, stretches and reaction drills that will have your athletes looking forward to practice, and developing into long-term athletic success.
Although these speed drills, warmups and stretches are great for developing youth athletes, they can also be used in any age athlete... even parents, coaches and trainers.
Even if you forget to cancel the membership to the Youth Athlete Training Academy and within 60 days you decide it's not for you, we'll refund the 60 days of the academy charges as well.
We understand people get busy and we don't want your money unless you are getting the most out of this awesome resource.
So rest assured, we are not going to stick you with something you don't want.
I think you’ll agree that you’re not going to find a more fair deal than that.
Listen to What The Experts Have To Say...
Your background is so interesting coming both from the athlete side and the coaching side at that elite level, it’s really phenomenal how you’ve made use of strategies and skills that you’ve learned as an athlete and then plugged them into your coaching and mentoring of young people. It’s cool!
Dr. Caroline Silby Sports Psychology
I’d love to develop a relationship [with you]. It was a pleasure meeting you, and hopefully we can continue to talk. You know coaching is coaching regardless of the sport, as you know, so I’d love to pick your brain eventually at some point.
Mike Kuchar Co-Founder and Senior Research for X and O Labs
My big task for coaches is to be open-minded, and think about it. Ask questions. Question what you’ve learned, what you’ve been taught. And try to find different people, like you [Daryl Weber] in wrestling or really ANY coach that is doing great things with their athletes… asking those questions, ‘What are the top 10 mistakes that coaches can make?’. Those kinds of questions need to be asked or else we get stuck in our thinking.
Joey Myers Co-Founder Hitting Performance Labs
Sounds like you’re doing great things. I’m grateful that you are.
Sam Weinman Author of the book: “Win at Losing”

TOTAL VALUE - $97.00
You will gain immediate digital access to everything included in this package. All workbooks are digital downloads. After your free 14 day pass to the Youth Athlete Training Academy you'll be charged $47 each month but can cancel at any time.
You have nothing to lose! Try our risk-free F.A.S.T. Speed Drills TODAY
and start gaining the advantage on your competition!
To your speed, strength and athleticism,
Steve Preston - Sports Performance Specialist